Convenience of Microgreens

For years, microgreens have been seen and used in some of the most upscale restaurants as a garnish to gourmet and complex dishes. While this is wonderful and certainly adds to the overall dining experience, we at Go Greens Farm want you to see that microgreens are so much more than just a garnish.

Microgreens can fill in some of our nutritional gaps and get us closer to eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables per day. When you get your microgreens home, you will find out how simple and convenient it is to cut, rinse and plate them on any dish. The flavors compliment a variety of dishes no mater how simple or complex and always give a nice presentation. Take a look at some of the ways that our customers are using microgreens in their everyday meals!

Kanton Bynam

Go Greens Farm is a family business that sells microgreens that are super nutrients with a great taste.


The Growing Process


Live Microgreens Care